Saturday, January 22, 2011

fight or flight?

should a girl fight for a boy or just run away?


  1. will there be scratching and swearing?

  2. are you meaning a cat fight? lol. no other woman involved.
    i just meant fighting for a man you love.

  3. Hi SMC-

    LOVE your blog.
    When I saw your post I felt compelled to write.
    He should be 'fighting' for you.

  4. I think love is worth fighting for. But there is a blurry border there with desperation.

  5. thanks brigitte! he fought for me for months. :) i was kind of a pain in the a, but he fought for me.
    midwaydancer-i think appearing desperate is a fear of mine. i dont feel desperate-i feel...searching for a word....dang! cant find the right word, but its definitely not desperate.

  6. Guys won't fight forever, if he fought you for a long time he probably eventually reached the point where he began to wonder if he was the only one making a full effort.

    It's a strategy I've used a few times, sometimes you get to a point where you feel you've done all, or a large majority, of the work. So you step back to see if the other party makes an effort if you don't.

  7. sure.

  8. I don't know. What would you be doing, who or what would you be fighting, and what difference will it make?

  9. fighting for dick. (restrain yourself please)

  10. Oh, that was great! Thank you.

    But you actually answered none of the questions I asked. And those answers are helpful in responding to your question.

    Without them, but what you've already told me, my answer would probably be "Not really. But I might throw him one life-line and see if he takes it. If not, move on." And that might be the right answer.

  11. from where i stand, i would be fighting for him, for our relationship and it could make a huge difference. running away secures the fact there will be no relationship. as far as what i would be doing-it would be contacting him and letting him know how i feel instead of running away-which is my usual m.o. i am usually the one breaking up, but since he broke up with me, i initially just shut down and accepted it, despite my feelings to the contrary.
