Saturday, July 17, 2010

in a nut shell...

here is a quick re-cap of THE MEN OF SINGLE MORMON CHICK:

tall guy with sunglasses(tgws) my first love. we dated for about 5 years(high school and a little beyond) and i truly loved him, but he got caught up in drugs and it really changed everything i was attracted to. we broke up when i was 19 and almost a year later i was married to...

mr soldier of fortune(msof)we had known each other since we were little kids, but never went out or anything romantic. apparently he loved me all through high school and thought it was a waste for me to have been with tgws. we were married for about 10 years. things had been bad for quite a while, but the final straw was his infidelity. it was so devastating then, but the details are kind of comical now.

mr nice guy was a momma's boy. he was so nice and such a gentleman, but completely controlled by his mother. if he had ever found the jar his mother had his balls stored in, we probably would have gotten married.

mr great white north was a little bit older than i normally liked, but he was truly young at heart. i really enjoyed my time with him and broke my "lets be friends rule" when i told him about mr ex man.

mr ex man was my guy. he chased me down on one of the dating sites shortly after i had met mr great white north. the chemistry was immediate and we had a lot of cool things in common. we connected on so many levels and i just thought he was amazing. it truly seemed like we were made for each other,but then there was major drama with his ex wife regarding his kids. from the outside looking in, it seemed pretty clear what he should do, but he couldnt see the forest for the trees. his choices completely ruined us by destroying trust. there were a few other things, but i think they could have been resolved if it werent for the ex wife issues. it was a horrible break up that drug out for much longer than it ever should have, but isnt that how so many break ups go?

mr jack mormon is such a fun guy and i really liked being with him, but he wanted sex. pre marital sex to be exact. he felt that all couples needed to sleep together before marriage to be sure they were sexually compatible. we had many intellectual discussions regarding this. he never "tried" anything, but during one of our discussions he let me know that the reason he never kissed me was because i wouldnt have sex with him. talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water.

so thats it in a nut shell...some of the highlights of my romantic life so far.


  1. Thanks for clearing that up. You've had an interesting line up of men in your life.

  2. "interesting" what a lovely euphemism for my motley crew. :)
